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Hello World 👋💻

I have been trying around to see what is the best way to create my own blog site:

  • Use Django framework to create a blog site and host it on heorku.
  • Heorku turned out ending the free tier service, so I migrate it to OCI VPS free tier.
  • I realized the DQ migrating is too much work, so I decided to use online blog site like,
  • But it turns out that I can not customize the blog site as I want. After trying around, I decided to use Docusaurus to create my own blog site.

Docusaurus seems a good choice for me, because I do not need to take care of the db and server. All the data can be taken care by git tools and github. I just need to focus on the content.

It is just a start, we will see how it goes. I will from now sharing my daily life and work experience here. I think it might be also a good idea to make a video to share how to use Docusaurus to create a blog site once I am used to it.

To be continue ...