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20230430 - Wow, it's been a while

Yo ~ Hows going bodies!! It's been a while since the last time I wrote the weekly report. I have been busy with the work and my life 🤞.

Tho, Still need to take an report showing what I have learned recently.

Firstly, I helped my friend to create a Line notify bot to just send a birthday reminder to the line group so that friends will never forget to say happy birthday to each other. That's fun 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

It is just a simple http request sent with the Line notify api to line server. Things bother me is that I always forget the field definition of the request body and the corresponding args in the axios api. So I might create a kind of memo for remind myself and somebody like me lol 🤣.

I also have been working on the SDK refactors. It makes me realized that making a type-safe interface is important for a js SDK. So I also created some notes in the typescript section. At the same time, I found it so interesting to do type-specific programming. Take a look at the typescript section if you are interested.

The following week is the golden week in Japan. But I decided to still work during the long weekend for some reason. But still take some good food with friends tho 🍖 🍣 (BBQ? Sushi?)