Adopt Nx Cache to speed up the build
What is Nx Cache
One of the pain point of monorepo is that the build time is slow. Luckily, Nx provides a cache mechanism to speed up the build for Lerna monorepo.
How to adopt Nx Cache
Use lerna add-caching
command which will scan the workspace and find all the scripts in the package.json.
Then we will be asked a couple of questions to determine which scripts are cacheable and which scripts need to be run in deterministic/topoglogical order.
In this article, we will use the Notifi SDK mono-repo as an example.
➜ notifi-sdk-ts git:(main) ✗ npx lerna add-caching
lerna notice cli v5.6.2
lerna info add-caching Please answer the following questions about the scripts found in your workspace in order to generate task runner configuration
? Which of the following scripts need to be run in deterministic/topoglogical order?
? Which of the following scripts are cacheable? (Produce the same output given the same input, e.g. build, test and lint usually are, serve and start are not)
lerna success add-caching Successfully updated task runner configuration in `nx.json`
lerna info add-caching Learn more about task runner configuration here:
lerna info add-caching Note that the legacy task runner options of --sort, --no-sort and --parallel no longer apply. Learn more here:
We will see a new nx.json
config file is auto generated
"tasksRunnerOptions": {
"default": {
"runner": "nx/tasks-runners/default",
"options": {
"cacheableOperations": ["build"]
"targetDefaults": {}
Try to build the project
We can run build for the first time w/o cache as below:
➜ notifi-sdk-ts git:(main) ✗ npx lerna run build --scope=@notifi-network/notifi-react-card
lerna notice cli v5.6.2
lerna notice filter including "@notifi-network/notifi-react-card"
lerna info filter [ '@notifi-network/notifi-react-card' ]
> @notifi-network/notifi-react-card:build
> @notifi-network/notifi-react-card@0.81.0 build
> npm run clean && npm run compile
> @notifi-network/notifi-react-card@0.81.0 clean
> rimraf ./dist
> @notifi-network/notifi-react-card@0.81.0 compile
> tsup lib/index.ts --sourcemap --format cjs,esm --dts --clean --external react
CLI Building entry: lib/index.ts
CLI Using tsconfig: tsconfig.json
CLI tsup v6.6.3
CLI Using tsup config: /Users/macbookpro4eric/Projects/notifi/notifi-sdk-ts/packages/notifi-react-card/package.json
CLI Target: es2017
CLI Cleaning output folder
CJS Build start
ESM Build start
ESM dist/index.css 35.91 KB
ESM dist/index.mjs 471.18 KB
ESM dist/ 45.39 KB
ESM dist/ 829.47 KB
ESM ⚡️ Build success in 366ms
CJS dist/index.css 35.91 KB
CJS dist/index.js 493.47 KB
CJS dist/ 45.39 KB
CJS dist/ 828.70 KB
CJS ⚡️ Build success in 368ms
DTS Build start
DTS ⚡️ Build success in 9220ms
DTS dist/index.d.ts 78.96 KB
> Lerna (powered by Nx) Successfully ran target build for project @notifi-network/notifi-react-card (12s)
We can see the build time is 12s. Nx here already caches the build result.
Then we can run the build again with cache:
➜ notifi-sdk-ts git:(eric/MVP-3179) ✗ npx lerna run build --scope=@notifi-network/notifi-react-card
lerna notice cli v5.6.2
lerna notice filter including "@notifi-network/notifi-react-card"
lerna info filter [ '@notifi-network/notifi-react-card' ]
> @notifi-network/notifi-react-card:build [local cache]
> @notifi-network/notifi-react-card@0.81.0 build
> npm run clean && npm run compile
> @notifi-network/notifi-react-card@0.81.0 clean
> rimraf ./dist
> @notifi-network/notifi-react-card@0.81.0 compile
> tsup lib/index.ts --sourcemap --format cjs,esm --dts --clean --external react
CLI Building entry: lib/index.ts
CLI Using tsconfig: tsconfig.json
CLI tsup v6.6.3
CLI Using tsup config: /Users/macbookpro4eric/Projects/notifi/notifi-sdk-ts/packages/notifi-react-card/package.json
CLI Target: es2017
CLI Cleaning output folder
CJS Build start
ESM Build start
CJS dist/index.js 493.47 KB
CJS dist/index.css 35.91 KB
CJS dist/ 45.39 KB
CJS dist/ 828.70 KB
CJS ⚡️ Build success in 393ms
ESM dist/index.css 35.91 KB
ESM dist/index.mjs 471.18 KB
ESM dist/ 45.39 KB
ESM dist/ 829.47 KB
ESM ⚡️ Build success in 395ms
DTS Build start
DTS ⚡️ Build success in 9629ms
DTS dist/index.d.ts 78.96 KB
> Lerna (powered by Nx) Successfully ran target build for project @notifi-network/notifi-react-card (81ms)
Nx read the output from the cache instead of running the command for 1 out of 1 tasks.
We can see the build time is 81ms. Nx here reads the output from the cache instead of running the command.
You might come across the following error if macOS is used.
➜ notifi-sdk-ts git:(eric/MVP-3179) ✗ npx lerna run build --scope=@notifi-network/notifi-react-card
lerna notice cli v5.6.2
lerna notice filter including "@notifi-network/notifi-react-card"
lerna info filter [ '@notifi-network/notifi-react-card' ]
> Lerna (powered by Nx) Cannot find module '@nrwl/nx-darwin-x64'
For this case, we can just run npm install @nrwl/nx-darwin-x64
to fix it.